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How does the Bible define FAITH?
Shortly after the apostle Paul defined faith under the guidance of God, the letter of James was probably written. James also explained that true Christian faith includes activity. He wrote: "Show me your faith without works, and I will show you my faith through my works." (James 2:18) James then pointed out the difference between mere faith and the exercise of faith. Demons believe in the existence of God, but they have no real faith. (Jam. 2:19, 2) In contrast, James wrote about a man of faith in ancient times: "Was not Abraham our father righteous through works after he had offered Isaac his son on the altar? You see that his faith worked together with his works, and by his works his faith was made perfect". To make it clear that faith must show itself through works, James added: "As the body without the Spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead" (Jam. 2:21-23, 26).
How does the apostle John help us understand how important it is to exercise faith?
Over 30 years later, the apostle John wrote his gospel and three letters. Did he understand what other Bible writers, under divine guidance, had already explained about the importance of true Christian faith? More than any other Bible writer, John used the Greek verb, which is sometimes translated as "to exercise faith.
He explained, for example, that "He who exercises faith in the Son has eternal life; he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him" (John 3:36). Christian faith includes obeying Jesus' commandments. John often quoted Jesus' words that show that faith must be exercised, which is an ongoing process
(John 3:16; 6:29, 40; 11:25, 26; 14:1, 12).

Hello Becky, Toni, Catherine & Iriquois 6! Feel free to post anything related to Native Americans that you'd like folks to see.

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A group for Native Americans