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On this page we are going to try to discover what truth is.
Many years ago, a very wise man once said," I am the way, the truth, and the life"
If you look at our political system, each and every elected official is required to swear an oath of office. In that oath they place their Right hand on the Bible and swear to God that they will protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and/or the state that they are being elected to office in.
Most of these jerks think that they have to be officially sworn in whenever they talk or they can life the teeth and it's okay. And the only reason that took the oath was so they could collect their PAY CHECK!
One good example of the is if you want to keep your doctor you can keep your doctor, or if you want to keep your health care plan keep your healthcare plan.

Yes, the swamp needs to be drained! And that whirlpool Adam Schiff sees outside his office window is coming for him!