REAL AMERICA -- Dan Ball W/ Rep. Alex Mooney, Most Americans Support Mass Deportation

IN FOCUS: The Most Dangerous Creature in the World & Real Threats To Society with Jess Weber - OAN

An insect event that hasn’t happened in over 200 years is expected to take place across the United States this spring.

For the first time since 1803, trillions of two different broods of cicada will emerge across over a dozen states, mating and laying millions more eggs, starting in May.

The massive insects hibernate as groups in either 13 or 17-year cycles.

Cicada Broods On Verge Of Emergence As Sightings Reported Across U.S.

Cicada Broods On Verge Of Emergence As Sightings Reported Across U.S.

An insect event that hasn’t happened in over 200 years is expected to take place across the U.S. this spring.

For the first time since 1803, trillions of two different broods of cicada will emerge across over a dozen states, mating and laying millions more eggs, starting in May.

The massive insects hibernate as groups in either 13 or 17-year cycles.

IN FOCUS: Deep State Plans with Johan Norberg - OAN

Michigan Gov. Whitmer Fighting Population Decline With Migrants


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