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Hasmonaean History | Veterans Day

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Silence Isn't Safe | Jenny Donnelly

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FREEDOM SUNDAY with Pegge Golden October 30, 2023 at 01:42AM
via YouTube

All God's people gathered together under one banner.

The Kingdom to the Capitol Tour with Sean Feucht is coming to Olympia Washington on July 28th at 6pm!!

Join us in powerful worship, prayer, and hear the bold call for the Church to rise for this historic moment we were literally born for!

#onfireministries #spokaneonfire #letusworship #kingdomtothecapitol #seanfeucht #onebanner #jesuschrist #church

Kingdom to the Capitol with Sean Feucht is coming to Olympia!! Experience powerful worship, prayer… and most importantly, a bold call for the Church to rise as you join with other Christians in Washington.

Join us on July 28th at 6pm
1225 Capitol Way S Olympia, WA
More info at: https://k2c.tpusafaith.com/washington/

#letusworship #tpusafaith #kingdomtothecapitol



Lost and dying people found and transformed into a Kingdom of Jesus Christ.