Friday the 27th from 5:30-7:30pm, CDA Holiday Light Ceremony. Bring instruments and Christmas song books. We will be celebrating this event by caroling at the CDA resort. This is in response to the CDA Resort deciding to cancel this year's Holiday Light Ceremony. They plan to only turn on the lights at 6pm. We invite all to come celebrate in ringing in this Christmas season. This is not a protest. This is a celebration of smiles, laughter, songs and Christmas cheer! Please help spread the word about this special event! Share this with your friends and families!
It is our way of peacefully non-complying with the stage 2 order and making a clear statement that we can and will assemble anytime we want because this is our RIGHT! Nothing must distance or separate us. Imagine hundreds of us standing together singing in unison and purpose. Please come and make this memorable!