This year we want to do something really special.
We want to reach out to any FFA or 4H students, who are interested in breeding Show/Meat Rabbits.
We are wanting to help them find their start and passion for Rabbit Husbandry.
We have a litter of Silverfox Rabbits Due at the end of January and February, and we are wanting to give away a Kit from these litters to these students.
We will be selecting one to two students based on nominations!
So please share this, nominate someone you feel could truly benefit from this, and feel free to message me if you want it to be a private nomination.
The kits that will be available are from the parents pictured below. They are full pedigreed Silverfox. Our buck, Blue and our doe, Black Betty.
Did you know that Silverfox rabbits are actually endangered? What an even better reason to help 4H and FFA students find their passion for raising these amazing rabbits.
We can't wait to see your nomination.
Please let us know if you have any questions, and don't forget to help us spread the word!
-The Pestarino Ranch Family
*Kits will be available once they are 8 weeks old.
*Proof of the student being in FFA and 4H currently will be required.
*Pestarino Ranch, always offers a 20% discount to 4H and FFA students.