I wrote this 5 years ago for the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.....

100 years ago today Turkey set out to commit the first genocide of the 20th century. Their target was the Armenians. The Armenian people were fully integrated into the country. Prior to beginning their genocide they separated Armenian soldiers in the Turkish army from their units placing them in all Armenian units. Armenian soldiers and civilians were then disarmed. Then on April 24, 1915 the Turkish government started by rounding up Armenian leaders and they were killed. Then the Turkish Army went from village to village rounding up Armenians in every village. Some would be killed in the villages but most were forced out of their homes and forced on death marches south out of Turkey into the Syrian Desert. No food, no water just brutality at the hands of the Turkish Army. Men were killed, women were raped and killed and yes even children were killed. 1.5 MILLION Armenians were killed. Every Armenian today has stories of their relative’s survival. They are truly amazing stories, stories of determination and faith. Why faith, because all Armenians had to do was say they would convert to Islam and they would be spared. Almost none did!! Armenians take pride in that Armenia officially adopted Christianity as the national religion in 301AD….we were the first!
To this day, Turkey has NEVER admitted to the genocide. Their excuse, they were afraid the Armenians were going to side with Russia during WWI. But lets face it killing all men, women and children was not necessary even if it was true which it was not.
I believe it was a religious motivation….why? Because their desire to kill Armenians started way before WWI…..
1894 to 1896-- 100,000 to 300,000 Armenians were killed.
1909 15,000 to 30,000 Armenians were killed.
After WWI, in 1922 tens of thousands were killed.
Armenians were not the only Christians being killed-- 500,000 Greeks and 500,000 Assyrians living there were also killed.
In 1988 to 1994 Turkey sent military advisors and military aide to Azerbaijan in their attacks on Armenia. Turkey would have invaded except for both Russia and US pressure. Russia actually put troops on the border.
Now fast forward to today…. ISIS is killing Armenians and Assyrians living in Syria and Iraq. Who is supporting ISIS….Turkey.