The definition of lobbying presently is persuasion, or interest representation in the act of attempting to influence the actions, policies, or decisions of officials, most often legislators or members of regulatory agencies.
This should be changed. Lobbying is no longer an attempt to persuade lawmakers.
Lobbying has become the act of writing the bills for officials. No wonder Nancy Pelosi once stated that we must pass a bill "to see what's in it".
I came to this conclusion tonight as I watched tonight's news and learned that lobbyists must be given money in the new stimulus bill because they are ESSENTIAL workers because Congress no longer knows how to write bills, That is CORRECT. Our Congress cannot write their own bills. Therefore lobbyists are essential in order to get bills written. It is time to elect lobbyists (sadly) instead of so-called regular citizens, WE NEED MR, SMITH TO GO (BACK) TO WASHINGTON. Thomas Jefferson said, "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever." So should we all.