White House calls for the Military to administer COVID-19 vaccine by Kyle Kenley Kopitke, 16 May, 2020

An American Moment: 2020 Presidential Candidate: Doctor Kyle Kenley Kopitke’s Save the United States Constitution from Globalists and their One World Government of a New World Order Alternative News Media Weekly Blog. (Legal Disclaimer) The links provided are for educational and political purposes, and I do not necessarily agree or support any particular points in the articles herein listed; again these are for educational and political purposes. As American Citizens we have a mandate to review data from several points of view as we consider events and positions and policy. Our personal safety and the safety our dear families and our Constitution are at stake. We have opened up Alaska, Utah, Missouri, North Carolina, and Michigan for Ballot Access Signatures; please collect ten signatures so we can be on the November 2020 Ballot. If you cannot, please sponsor someone. Please pray over it. We need State Directors and Assistant State Directors in all 50 States.
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Story 1: The Lead Story: White House calls for the Military to administer COVID-19 vaccine. Anything the Military does – does not come with an opt out option. Perhaps you will realize this sooner than later.

Story 2: The Economy: With our massive trade deficit, Americans don’t have money to shop, and thus stores are closing in mass. This is a tactical plan by the Globalists to tank our economy. This is a literal American Retail and Shopping Mall Apocalypse by the Globalists of the One World Government of the New World Order.

Story 3: Vaccines, Autism and Natural Health Alternatives: Our vaccines are not safe; there are a number of government and peer reviewed reports showing a probable link to vaccines and Autism, and several other health problems. The stories below discuss this in varying details. As the Father of an American Son that is afflicted with Autism, I see the link daily.

Story 4: Trade Deficit: At a $30 Billion a month Trade Deficit with China ($50 billion with all other nations combined), we are destroying our economy; American families do not have money to shop. This is also building China’s Military; now surpassing us in some ways. The Mainstream News Media and Congress will not address this because … they have a financial interest here; directly or indirectly. (Note from Kyle: Done via the money China receives from our Trade Deficit).

Story 5: Military Readiness and Veteran Issues: The stories below show the need to fix our Military. It must be based on sound Military Tactics and not based on the political contributions of Defense Contractors, or due to the advice of Generals who are seeking to work with Defense Contractors after the retire.
I hereby Post to and for all Veterans and Active Duty Military Personnel General Orders from General George Washington. General Orders given on the 3rd of August, 1776 Anno Domini: “The General is sorry to be informed that the foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing, a vice hitherto little known in our American Army is growing into fashion. He hopes that the officers will, by example as well as influence, endeavor to check it and that both they and the men will reflect that we can little hope of the blessing of Heaven on our army if we insult it by our impiety and folly. Added to this it is a vice so mean and low without any temptation that every man of sense and character detests and despises it.” George Washington (Personally Signed)