Have the recent events, Chinese virus forced quarantine, Stay-at-home orders, military and police enforcement of curfews and traveling papers got you worried about the future? Worry no more, you have the power to take your freedoms back. First, contact your state legislators and express your opinion on these lock downs then urge them to support the Convention of States resolution. Then go to https://tomward39.wixsite.com/....freedom/convention-o find out more about the Convention of States and sign the petition to fight for your freedoms and those of future generations. Thank you. If you’re one of the 4.5 million already involved, thank you and keep spreading the good news so we get this done faster.

Convention of States | freedom

Convention of States | freedom

A solution as big as the problem. The problem is a tyrannical federal government, the solution is an Article V Convention of States. Who should decide your life, you or the federal government? Who wants their freedom back?