Rejoice and again God says rejoice!

Those who have taken Jesus and believed upon His name have been born again, born afresh, born from above. All the old things have died, and God has made all things new. You are no longer the old you. You are now a new creation. You have died to sin just as Jesus died to sin upon the cross. You have been raised to new life just as Jesus was raised to life, to live a life unto God forever more, never to be under the dominion of sin again. God has given you a new heart and filled it with His Spirit. The Spirit has given you the desires of God and has given you power to live a new life, a glorious life. As you yield yourself to the Spirit and allow yourself to be led by the Spirit, walking by the Spirit, ordering your life by the Spirit, you will find yourself producing the wonderful fruit of His Spirit within you. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control will flow forth from within you effortlessly, as though it were a spring of living water gushing forth from within you.

But after receiving His Spirit, you one day awaken to find yourself not producing this wonderful fruit, do not despair. Jesus overcame this world for you, He has forever paid the price for all your sins., past, present, and future. You are not under the law that God should have to condemn you. You are under His grace so that He can love you, so that He can renew you daily, cleanse you of your sins continually. Do not allow your sins to overcome you but allow your sins to be overcome by the One who lives within you. Confess your sin, say the same thing about your sin that God has said about them. And what has He said? He said, “It is finished.” He is no longer keeping an account of your sin. Your name is forever recorded in the Book of Life and cannot be blotted out. The Father has given you to His Son, and His Son will not ever lose you or forsake you. The Spirit of Life within you causes you to have and live by faith, and the Spirit of Him who lives within you will bring to completion all that He created you in His Son to do. Your Lord, your God, your Savior will not fail for by His grace you have been saved. You were not saved by obedience to law that God should owe salvation to you. No, God gifted you with salvation in accordance with His grace, so that salvation could forever more be guaranteed to you.

So, allow the Spirit of Eternal Life that lives within you to rule your life today. Put behind you, forgetting the failures of yesterday because God has removed your sins as far as the east if from the west and He will remember them no more. Rejoice and again God says rejoice for how great His love for you is. For nothing can separate you from the love of God that is yours when you are in His Son, and because of His grace, you will always be found in His Son. God has made you a son and joint heir with Christ to all the glory that awaits those who He loves.