Here are some questions to ask yourself:
Are you really born with certain inalienable rights? Do you really believe in freedom of expression? Freedom of speech? Freedom of assembly? Freedom from unreasonable search and seizure? Freedom to keep and bear arms? Freedom of religion? Do you?

Which ones are you really willing to compromise or give up all together for safety and security? These are questions we are having to ponder more frequently with the stay at home orders which have been issued and how some governors and other elected officials are interpreting and enforcing them. I, for one, am not at all pleased or optimistic about our future if left in the hands of some who have certain ideologies.

The first amendment to the Constitution (yes I put that in capital letters) ensures freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of assembly. There are very few limits to these freedoms. How I worship, whom I spend time with, and how I express myself are my choices and can not be inhibited by the State. None of my rights can be suspended even in a time such as is occurring with the Coronavirus/COVID-19. My rights do not have an expiration date. Ever. I have seen too many people, during this pandemic, be willing to give up those rights without so much as a whimper.

I am not opposed to willingly take precautions to mitigate the spread of the virus. I am not willing for the government to take away those rights with the stroke of a pen. Nothing like this should be done with a signature from a Governor or a President under our Constitution. There was no discussion. There was no debate. It was decided by bureaucrats and technocrats. This describes the actions of a dictatorship. We are not a dictatorship but a constitutional republic. My rights are mine by birth as a human being and not subject to the whims of any individual. I have no issue willingly following a set of guidelines which will protect my fellows, but I will not be dictated to by anyone but God.

When a governor becomes iron-fisted and prevents people from going to a remote property they own, that is the road to a dictatorship. The remote property would fit within the guidelines and help with the social distancing everyone is trying to follow. When said governor then responds to protests against her dictatorial edicts with a threat of more dictatorial edicts her actions say everything, words aren't needed. Such is the way of socialists.

When a mayor or governor tells citizens to spy and report on each other; well, such were the tactics of the KGB and Stasi. Trying to restrict the expressions of faith which are the hallmark of a truly free society, such are the tactics of dictators throughout history (you know like China is actually doing). Using a short term crisis to further restrict freedom and liberty, such are the tactics of fascists.

In a free society you have every right to be selfish; you shouldn't, but you have the right. In a free society you have the right to be greedy; you shouldn't, but you have the right. In a free society you have the right to be rude; you shouldn't, but you have the right. You have the right to put yourself at risk; you shouldn't, but you have the right. You have the right to put yourself at risk, you do not have the right to put others at risk which is why you follow the guidelines. Willingly, without government edicts.