Hi! I am not sure what to do. This is my first time on USA.Life as I have always been on Facebook. Unfortunately, I have never liked the foul language and the fact that I felt I couldn't really be comfortable with my first amendment rights as it seemed I was in the opposite view. I am at a stage in my life where many of my best friends are dead and the other friends don't talk politics or religion or learned that is something you don't do. I have the best husband in the world of almost 49 years (in Oct.) and I can tell him anything and everything. My siblings and I aren't close. My sister died a few years ago (she was 11 years older than me) and she kind of kept us together. I read, not just mush stories and Dinesh D'Souza (sp?) is one of my favorite authors and waiting to get his new book. I love America and God, actually God is first and I am proud to be a patriot. Growing up wasn't easy (I now know it was a dysfunctional family, but I knew I was loved). There were tears and heartaches, but I learned lessons from life. The day I met my husband was wonderful. I didn't know it at that time, but my parents knew he was the one for me. He helped me to grow and be the person I am today. He showed me love and lifted me up when I didn't believe in myself. We have 3 wonderful adult children and 9 grand kids. I am blessed and I know God is good!