It has been about six months or more since I signed up for this site. The crazy thing about it is I forgot about the site until tonight when I received 4 notifications in my email from here. I still could not remember until I did a search on yahoo and visited here. I signed in using my email and a password that I had used often. I now remember signing up for this site after I looked at my profile. So to anyone who has sent me a message and I didn't answer. I want to apologize with all of my heart for not answering and ask for forgiveness. During the last 6 months or so my mother who was in a nursing home health started deteriorating and all of my time was spent with her trying to enjoy as much time as I could. She got so bad that she wasn't eating and her sugar was all over from 90 up to 500 it was a good day if it was 250-300. I was allowed in to see her even when the quarantine started because she was getting worse everyday. I spent about 6 to 8 hours a day and got a call on March 17th at 2am she was worse. By the time I was walking down the hallway and could see her room she passed away. Since then I've just been surviving I miss her so much. Enough about my sad life. I hope everyone has stayed healthy and is getting back to their regular routine. Well I've written enough so I'll end now.