5 yrs

Do not let the media fool you -- the absolute majority of people are NOT against the police and DO NOT want them dismantled nor defunded. These thugs hollering those things are a very, very small but vocal minority. They are anarchists who believe their opportunity has come to finalize the destruction of America. THE PEOPLE must rise up and tell them to go home or else. We will NOT stand for this to continue much longer. If government cannot stop it, if democrat mayors cannot stop it, if leftists governors cannot stop it, WE THE PEOPLE can and will. This is OUR country. We will protect it ourselves when pushed to that limit. Recognize that . . .


Nolte: Poll Shows Blacks and Whites Equally Satisfied with Local Police

Nolte: Poll Shows Blacks and Whites Equally Satisfied with Local Police

A Monmouth poll reveals that blacks and whites are together equally satisfied with their local police departments.