Sex, Fraternization, 2013-1118, Male Inmate in a Female Brig. Three pages.
Lance CPL Shane Bardes, 27, USMC, is serving five-years for rape @ the Naval Consolidated Brig, Miramar, CA. He is seeking early release because of sexual victimization by female guards.
No charges have been filed against any of the female guards involved. LCPL Bardes is the only inmate to complain. The Brig @ Miramar is unique, of the 400 prisoners, most of the inmates & staff are female.
The Federal Justice Department reports the Brig in Miramar has a staff sexual misconduct rate twice that of civilian prisons & three times the rate of local jails. There are only two prisons in the USA with a higher rate of staff sexual abuse of prisoners, the Brigg @ Fort Lewis, WA & the Ogalala Sioux Tribal Offenders Facility in South Dakota. 51 percent of prisoner sexual abuse in the USA, the aggressor was a female prison employee & the abused a male prisoner.
The incidents include:
1. Bardes told a female guard, “Fuck you.” She responded with, “OK, where?” They had sex 10 times after that & she provided him with pornographic pictures of herself. She also groped & fondled him in public that caused him embarrassment amongst fellow inmates.
2. A male guard gave him tobacco in exchange for the nude photos of female prison guards he was collecting. The female guards found out about the trade but did not mind.
3. A male guard offered him drugs in exchange for the panty collection he had of female guards.
4. A female work supervisor who was in the Navy would take her in an office closet for sex. She would touch his crotch while other male guards were present.
5. LCPL Bardes fell in love with his 24-year-old female civilian counselor. He tried breaking off the sex with four female guards but they insisted & forced him to have sex on four more occasions. This is when the fun stopped; he said he felt like a piece of meat.
The allegations became known when he proposed marriage to his counselor. When her boss found out she was fired & an investigation began.
Bardes was transferred to the Naval Consolidated Brig, Charleston, SC. LCPL Lacey Kohlman a guard is under investigation for dereliction of duty, false official statement & violation of a non-specified federal statute.
2014-1218, Female Brig Guard Sentenced
A female Marine brig guard accused of sexually assaulting & mistreating a male inmate is now serving time @ the very facility she used to guard.
Lance Cpl. Lacey Kohlman, a former guard @ Naval Consolidated Brig Miramar,
California, was convicted of dereliction of duty Oct. 29 @ a special court-martial aboard Marine Corps Air Station Miramar. She was sentenced to five months in the brig, demotion to private & forfeiture of $5,000 worth of pay over five months.
Kohlman's misconduct became known when the prisoner, Shane Bardes, came forward last year with a detailed statement alleging she & other guards had taken advantage of his status as a prisoner to engage in various acts of sexual misconduct with him. His allegations along with claims that his pleas for help were ignored by those in charge.
Another guard, a female sailor who Bardes also accused of engaging in inappropriate sexual contact with him, received an administrative punishment & was transferred. A male Navy guard later accused by Bardes of sexually harassing & taunting him also received administrative counseling & was transferred.
A 2013 Department of Justice report showing that the Miramar brig had staff sexual misconduct rates nearly twice the average for prisons nationwide.
Now due to get out of the brig in December 2015, Bardes filed an inspector general's complaint alleging he experienced retaliation @ Charleston & lost good time credits as a result of his accusations against brig guards.