Seeing the Supreme Court legislate from the bench is extremely disappointing. I can't believe that these "Justices" would stoop so low as to subvert the Constitution and take on the role of lawmakers. It truly is time for revolution. The system is broken. Politicians no longer work for the people but have been hijacked by the non theistic religion of leftism. I see masses gathered in parks repeating platitudes mindlessly all while pledging to a group that has declared they will bring an end to the nuclear family and Western Civilization as we know it. America is under siege. Stand up and make your voices heard. There isn't anyone else to take up the battle. All it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing... It's time to make a stand. This November, let's take back the house, build a larger majority in the Senate and run away with four more years in the Presidency! God Bless!