Welcome to the Middle TN III % - Fan page. All patriots are welcome. This is a home page for MT3. Other leaders or members of other groups please have respect, don't use this group to recruit for other groups or militia groups.
Please read the following to find out more about who we are and what we're about. Only rules on this page is respect on another, respect the Freedoms defined by the Constitution, and not hate speech.
Who Are We!
We honor the III% colonists that fought for our liberty and independence. We dedicate ourselves to supporting the freedoms clearly defined within the Constitution and believe these freedoms apply to all American citizens. We are a group of like-minded patriots who train and prepare for any situation. We are family oriented and our training reflects such. We are not a radical or hate group and will not tolerate any member who is. Our group is made of many different ages, races, religions, experiences, knowledge and skills. We believe that when something happens, it will take us all working together to survive.
As a family oriented group we training and learn from one another. Our meeting, classes or training are taught by fellow members willing to share their knowledge and skills. These classes are held free of charges, except where supplies or range fees may apply. We train in all aspects of survival, prepping and tactical areas. Trainings such as; food prep, water purification, medic and first aid, survival and wilderness, gun safety, tactical defense and much more. We are the Middle TN III%.
Want to know more about joining our active group? Here are the requirements to become active!
Becoming a member!
We strive to be a family oriented group. We are not a group that dictates what is best for you or your family. Our goals are simply help identify and provide the necessary training you feel is best for you and your families' long term survival. The following requirements are established to keep the group safe, continue our mission statement and build lasting relationships.
1. No Radicals are welcome. We are not a radical or a hate group. If you wish to create war, call for action, post hate speech, or segment out a group of people based solely on race, gender, or religion you have found the wrong group.
2. You must have and show a Carry Permit or a back ground check. (If you have recently purchased a firearm from a gun shop you may provide the receipt showing the back ground charge it will be accepted.) Due to we periodically train with firearms one of these are required. You must be able to legally own, maintain and handle a firearm to join. (Owning a firearm is not a requirement)
3. Be active, our group is built on lasting relationship. You only build those by attending meetings, training, or classes. We ask that you commit to attend at least (4) four meetings a year.
We are a very active group, however our schedule of events are not posted here. Every member completes a vetting process. If you'd like information please reach out to an admin.