His Living Fire is the motor that moves the believer's life. Words, and beliefs that are not aflame have no power; no force of conviction. Can't you see? You must see that His flame is the wing by which our faith ascends to Him, and that this red hot fervency must be the very soul of our prayers.......our worship.......our service.......and our very lives.......for, you see, love is kindled, as a flame within a flame, and fire is the air that this love breathes.......and if we be His, we feed on His fire.......and we starve without it.
Nothing short of red hot will keep the glow of heaven in these ominous and chilly times.......and as we walk in these darkening days, we must grasp, in our hearts, the live coal; and covet, and share His consuming flame.......it is our very identity while we walk in this evil place.......we find life in the fire.......for in Him, we are fire.