I just watched a TV drama where a woman spread her father's ashes on the race track because that is where he spent much of his life. He left her child $160000. He picked some winners.
NIV 1 Peter 1:20 He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.
Chosen. [Fri] proginw,skw 2aor. proe,gnwn; (1) know something beforehand or in advance (2P 3.17); (2) know someone previously (AC 26.5); (3) select in advance, choose or appoint beforehand (RO 8.29)
God had the plan of salvation worked out and the Savior selected before he created.

Last times: There is a lot of talk about this being the last days because of anti Christian sentiment and riots and governments, city and local, giving in to protestors. Of course, whenever there are chaotic times, people claim this. Peter called his day the last times. There is a difference between the final age and the last few days of it. The age of the New Covenant is the last days. It began when Jesus died.