Just a thoughtful observation for the current time that we live in.
9 times out of 10, The abhoring what is evil part means you will be living in direct opposition to what the world calls good, right & "just".
Which means, your life and actions will be offensive to those who love evil. That's expected.
Love them anyway.
Do good anyway.
Stick to your guns and what you know is right before God and DO . NOT. CAVE. to please the opinions of man or to be politically correct or to be "liked" or to gain a follower.
They will be fickle, God will not.
Don't be shocked when it ticks people off.
Don't be shocked if you loose some friends, or some business or some really good opportunities that you would have had.. had you caved. Had you marched with the crowd instead of blazed the narrow trail alone.
Guess what, opportunity will come again.
Don't be shocked when evil seems to be winning. These are the last days, were we not warned?
Be kind anyway, over.. and over.. and over.
Show the light of Christ, be his hands and feet to even the worst, the ones that bug us the most. Especially to those, the unworthy. Love them.
We can't be ugly like the world.
The world is dying because of the ugly. Refuse to give it a seat at the table.
Refuse to give it a voice.
We can be righteous and stand for truth and still love. These two truths can coexist together. Real love, is speaking truth, in the face of evil. It is not love to compromise and tolerate your neighbor straight to hell. Tell them the truth. Show them real love, Gods love, and then allow them the freedom of their choice.
God does.
We have to be different than the world.
Because we ALL are lost. Some of us have simply found the Shepard, the one who knows the narrow way. Evil will not win.
We do not fight against flesh and blood.