Very powerful message to the church!
Thank you California Governor Gavin Newsom!!!
“Governor Newsom has just effectively lit a fire underneath Christians in California that will never be extinguished. I am so elated tonight! In fact, he just made it completely possible to now identify the true Church of Jesus Christ on the West Coast from the frauds. It’s stunning!
The choice is now very easy for “Christians” in California. Either open up your mouth and worship Jesus Christ or deny Him before the masses. Either receive the blessing for righteous persecution or bow to man’s agenda. The harvest is now ripe and the wheat will be separated from the tares from San Diego to Sacramento.
And for the rest of the USA and even many in CA, Governor Newsom has also just recruited MILLIONS of Christians to the voting booths in 2020. Why? Because he has now successfully confirmed the fears of so many believers in Jesus Christ. What is the fear you ask?
That the democratic party is now anti-Christian and to vote for them is to vote against religious freedom. What a gift this is to Donald J. Trump. I predict the highest turnout of believers in Jesus Christ voting Republican than ever before in history.
The very foundation of the USA (Christian principles) has been challenged on Independence weekend (July 4th) and the response is going to be overwhelming in November.”
-Jeremiah Johnson