Rosenberg is one of seven members of the board of directors of Thousand Currents, an umbrella group that provides tax-exempt financial status to the Black Lives Matter organization . Rosenberg openly admitted in her short biography that she had spent “16 years in federal prison,” and was released in 2001 through executive clemency by then-President Bill Clinton. In November 1984,Rosenberg, who started out as a member of the 1960s revolutionary group Weather Underground, graduated into even more violent, and arguably successful, forms of terrorism in the 1970s and 1980s — including bombings at an FBI field office in Staten Island, the Navy Yard Officers’ Club in Washington, D.C., and even the U.S. Capitol building Rosenberg and another M19 member were arrested outside a storage unit in New Jersey that contained “740 pounds of unstable dynamite stolen from a Texas construction firm four years earlier.”.