I am new to USA.Life. I an American, I LOVE my country, I love my President (I may not always like everything President Trump does, however, I will respect him and I pray for his health, safety and that of his family daily). I have grown weary of opening my other social media account (F to read and see disparaging things said about my country, (done to) my flag, my law enforcement officers, our wonderful military personnel who keep this amazing country free and protected. I want to see, read and write positive & kind content. I am NOT an ostrich with my head in the sand, I realize that our country is in a wicked struggle. I want to know there are others who are kind & thoughtful with their words. There are too many angry people wanting to 'defund' our Police, change our constitution, disrupt our country and run amok.

I want to see, hear and write positive content when on social media. I don't want to debate others. I know my mind and I want to be on a social media platform with others who are like minded. I want to know there are other Americans who pray for our country and our president daily.

I really hope this is a good fit for me.

#christian #positive #military #constitution #lawenforcement #patriotic #ilovetheusa #prayer #presidentrump #potus