Those of you who cannot wait until the election to vote AGAINST President Trump (because you don't like him or his Tweets or whatever) , just make sure you are aware of what you will be voting FOR instead...
- for the radical changes/end to the First and Second Amendments
- for an end to public and private safety by defunding the police (in which case you are going to pray for our Second Amendment, but you will have lost the right to pray too when freedom of religion is lost with our First Amendment)
- the continued destruction of the nuclear family (tradition is evil to them)
- more indoctrination instead of education
- much higher taxes (yes, eventually, the government will run out of other people's money and they will be coming for yours)
- for LESS freedom and prosperity through socialist/communist ideals put forth by both the Dems and BLM (they are pretty much following the same script)
- for a continued and greater racist wedge they are trying to put between all Americans!
- for a an end to America as we know it (When they tell you they want to tear down the country and remake it, believe them. And their plans for a "new" America will be something you have never seen or experienced before. Be careful what you wish for.) If you thought looking for toilet paper was hard this past Spring, wait until you can't find food, jobs, etc. They are relying on you to rely on them. Then they will have all the control and it'll be too late for you and the rest of us.
You may not like Trump, but he puts all Americans first and wants to see America at its best!