Let's all walk down memory lane together and go back to the beginning of the year almost 7 months ago.
Now fast forward to the present and isn't it amazing how much all our lives have changed.
It use to be that we could go with our loved ones to the hospital and doctor's offices to be their advocates and offer emotional support.
Now we are locked out .
We use to be able to go see our elderly loved ones in nursing facilities and were welcomed by the staff as they too looked forward to our visits as it gave them a break because we would help with their care.
We were able to hug and kiss them and hold their hands.
We were able to hold small family get togethers and celebrate their lives.
Now we are reduced to a 30 min outdoor visit twice a month after 130 days of not being able to see them.
We can't hug them,we all have to wear masks which makes it difficult for them to hear us clearly and we have to be 6 feet apart.
We are monitored by a staff member who's job is to make sure we don't touch each other and has a timer that goes off to signal when the 30 minute visit is over.
Are these folks in prison ?
Please someone, anyone tell me unless they were quarantined is the staff anymore immune from passing C.V. on to our loved ones than we are ?
Even if they were tested today it doesn't mean tomorrow they couldn't be exposed.
These folks are at the end of their life at a time when they need their families the most and this continued practice after almost 5 months is ridiculous.
Its going to go on and on too because cold and flu season is upon us and since they have made every symptom you could ever have a CV symptom at some point and time they will say we all have it or suspect we do just to expand their numbers.
People who choose to exercise their rights not to wear a mask( even those with legitimate health issues) for the most part are no longer welcome in stores or restaurants and are pushed out the door or spoken to in a rude condescending matter .
Suddenly our business isn't essential to them.
Prior there is no way they would have tolerated any customer being mistreated and welcomed our business.
Now it's being encouraged.
Our neighbors are calling the police on us and reporting our so called C.V. crimes.
We have a Governor (actually many Governors )across our country who are shutting us down and trying to lock us up again and keeping us from being with our loved ones and controlling our lives based on false numbers they know are not true.
They are slowly taking all of our freedoms away from us.
They have already done so much damage to us financially and even mentally.
I believe the game plan is to break us down in every way possible to get us where they need you us to be.
This is all wrong and it's got to stop.
We must take back control of our lives.
Governor DeWine is about to issue some more threats,possibly some shut downs and a statewide mask mandate today.
When they start attacting the churches it's getting serious.
Please everybody wake up out of your brainwashed slumber!