Hello fellow patriots! Glad to be here among like-minded people.

I'm an activist for truth and America. A political-satirical cartoonist and blogger with a Youtube presents. I take my art to the liberal cesspool streets of New Orleans (or use to before all this Covid idiocy hit) and did interviews. I have over 1,600-videos to peruse.
Currently I'm need to move out of the city I've live in for nearly 50-years, to hopefully a saner environment.
Which leads me to this request. After looking at what I do, if anyone has, or knows any that has, a room for rent, long-term, anywhere in a rural, semi-rural, small town/city RED State, with a Christian household, please let me know! The only vice I have is I can't stop talking about how screwed-up things are, and how we can fix them.
Check-out my channel and let me know! Thanks!
