They aren't your friends anymore! Biden has adopted the Communist roadmap of Sanders for America's future. It is no longer a normal election, they are the enemy of our Republic seeking to destroy our history, our police, our legal system, our National symbols and all that we stand for. We will lose friends this time around but you can't ride the fence or play around with communists.We have now seen Democrats in action. They will hamstring the police and let terrorists burn down your business and rob you blind. They have sided with a modern day Communist Revolution on American soil. We have had a taste of how quickly shortages occur. When they turn off the electricity when the shortages extend to food and clean water, when they come for your guns which Biden has promised his voters he will do, then you will see the enemy clearly. See him now! Look at downtown Democrat anywhere! Wake up! These people who can still support these things are the enemy not your friends.