After nearly ☛800 years (711-1492), Spain completed the Christian Reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula by overthrowing the last of the Muslim invaders.
After nearly ☛800 years of rape, pillage, beheadings, siege, torture, and extortion from a malignant parasite masquerading itself as a religion, Spain was absolutely BANKRUPT.
It was just then that Christopher Columbus approached King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella with the idea of his finding a shortcut to the East Indies, giving Spain a tremendous competitive advantage for their financial recovery.
The hope of financial recovery from battling Islam for so long is why Ferdinand and Isabella gladly supplied Columbus the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria with prominent ☛RED CROSSES on their sails. These red crosses acknowledged the CHRISTIAN RECONQUEST and remained on Spain's sails for over 300 years, until sails were replaced by engines.
✟ “It was THE LORD who put into my mind (I could feel His hand upon me) the fact that it would be possible to sail from there to the Indies... There is no question that the inspiration was from the HOLY SPIRIT, because he comforted me with rays of marvelous illumination from the HOLY SCRIPTURES...” (Christopher Columbus)
And, yes, Columbus "failed" to find the shortcut to the East Indies. And, yes, "all" he found were North, Central, and South America blocking his way. The islands he first found were named the West Indies, and that's why the natives were called "Indians".
If not for nearly ☛800 years of Muslim blood and carnage, Columbus might never have sailed the ocean blue.
◉ And THAT summarizes Islam's greatest contribution to America. Think about it. Think very seriously about it.
❖ p.s. — People on television seem to think that our "Islamophobia" (irrationally believing they want to use their scimitars on us) started on 9-11-01. Despite the 800 years listed above, Thomas Jefferson sent our Navy on its first mission "to the shores of Tripoli" because Muslim pirates were highjacking ships and holding them, their cargo, and their crews hostage. That was in the FIRST Barbary War (1801-05), 200 years before 9-11. It ain't just about GItmo.
© Jimmie Douglas
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