To my friends who are out of state, Derecho was our cat 2 land hurricane...
We went from that day this storm hit Monday until Wed without power, cell service, and a huge hot mess. there are other areas who are going to be without power within the next week! We are still dealing with this hot mess.
Us Iowans took care of each other, family, neighbors and friends because that is what us midwesterners do. Oh, that's right, we had no looting, killing, diversions of racial **** happening. So, we are boring and so news stayed away! Instead of showing bad news, it prob never showed of all of the good news of our state coming together to help out to what was needed to what was able to be done within our means.
My generator has gone to 3 different families after my power came back on! It will keep traveling to family and friends who may need it next as long as it is needed!
Our areas were devastated and are just now getting back online, many more are still out and will be for the next week.
Do you other state friends of mine know what is going on in Iowa? Have you heard about it?
For those that live on the waters and in hurricane countries, you can keep it man, KEEP IT, I will just stick with my tornadoes. The whole state of Iowa and our neighbor areas in IL were not prepared for this mess! I am sure with global warming it will not be our last Derecho storm either. For those that fought to get generators, and took theirs back, I feel it was a mistake for them..
Just know for those wanting generators, Home Depot has 6 pallets in the back and they are stocked with generators now! GET THE NOW for the future. The way this year is going, it won't be the last time the generators will be used.
Does the rest of the world know my state is hurting and still need help?!
Check out this mess from the Washington post link!