Post 9: Yep. That about sums it up...

Let me sum up the mainstream media's 2020 agenda . Make sure you fall in line with their propaganda folks.They spent tons of money trying to brainwash you.

1. Whites are bad and all whites are racist.
2. Riots are good and free from viruses.
3. Masks are cool and you are a hero if you wear one.
4. All police are bad, cuz they make big boo boos on innocent citizens who were peacefully protesting.
5. When a child get's shot by criminals, it's no big deal.
6. When pedophiles get shot for being violent, we march for injustice.
7. Cover ups are normal don't worry about the pedophiles that run the world.
8. Virus dangerous! Must live in fear and hate those that don't.