5 yrs

With the drop in hospitalizations, the greatest fear of Texas government and its bureaucrats is that people will stop fearing the Chinese COVID-19 virus.
Our policies implemented out of fear are doing more damage to our economy and people’s health and well-being than is COVID-19. Our solution, because it is based on unsubstantiated fear, is worse than the disease.
Fear can be a valuable asset. It is fear of being burned that prevents you from touching a hot stove. Fear of being hit by a car prevents you from playing in the middle of the freeway. But irrational fear can be used as a tool to manipulate and paralyze individuals. And, when it is used by government for those purposes, it is wrong.

#coronavirus #covid #shinelightonthedarkness

Capitol Hall Report – The fear factor: Fear is not a principle for good policy | Senator Bob Hall | Constitutional Conservative

Capitol Hall Report – The fear factor: Fear is not a principle for good policy | Senator Bob Hall | Constitutional Conservative