When you vote, don't entrust your ballot to someone who doesn't care about your vote the way you care about your vote.
This is what happened to us in CA

In 2010, it looked like Steve Cooley would win the race for CA Attorney General. As results were being reported, Cooley was clearly ahead. "Miraculously" "provisional ballots" were found & "amazingly" the race was suddenly too close to call. With the results of these "uncounted" ballots, Jamaican-Tamil-American Kamala Harris was ahead by 50,000 votes. Finally, at 45.9% to 45.7%, it was announced that Willie Brown's mistress won the election. The final results, based on the previously uncounted ballots, were 46.1% for Willie's mistress and 45.3% for Steve Cooley.

These "uncounted" "provisional" ballots in CA are pretty convenient for those who are down on their luck while the votes are being counted.