Twice a week for eight years, he came to your house and assaulted you. He drank heavily, and that’s when he was at his worst. For eight years.
Finally, you marshalled courage to put a stop to it. You called the cops. You filed charges. You got a restraining order. You were doing the right thing to keep yourself safe.

Three months later he shows up at your house. He threatens you, he violates you. You call the cops. When they come, he starts a fight with them. They taze him twice. He doesn’t go down. They shoot.

But someone films the cops for five seconds. The video goes out, and now your rapist is the victim. Five seconds have eclipsed eight years. People start burning down your town in the name of your abuser. Professional sports shut down in his honor. People everywhere donate to him online. He’s wealthy, he’s famous, he’s a national hero. He’s your abuser.

Just think of the next eight years to come.