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4 yrs

The Gospel of Matthew 1:18–2:23 and the Gospel of Luke 2:1–39 represent Jesus as having been born in Bethlehem. But..the Gospel of Mark, the earliest gospel, mentions nothing about Jesus having been born in Bethlehem, saying only that he came from Nazareth. Nevertheless, both cities are in North East Africa meaning Jesus was black and an African born into the Hebrew faith, his entire name was Yeshua Ben Halachmee…the name Christ was a title first earned by Lord Krishna of India. These attempts to make Rabbi Jesus, a catholic, an English King. A Shakespearean character, a blue eyed movie star with long blond hair, these are wishful fantasies of those who cannot accept the fact that the son of God was a black man with a black mother and eleven black brothers and sisters…Sorry…deal with it, you’re going to have to deal with it. He loves you no matter what you look like. A prophecy I experience, being one of three kids who experienced a vision in a Catholic church in the Bronx of a woman not of this earth... The woman told us… “I will chase Pope Francis out of Rome: That was in 1958.. at that time no one had even heard of Pope Francis…Yet, here in 2020 Pope Francis has been taken from Rome…A few weeks ago on this very Facebook platform….. I warned many of my fans to leave the city…..many of you didn’t…sorry you all didn’t listen….THOUSANDS OF YOU DID thank you for your letters…….and now…I’m warning you once again…stop denying Rabbi Jesus roots…THIS IS NOT A GAME…remember the words of OUR BROTHER Jesus….”Many shall come in my name, saying I am the MESSIAH, and will deceive many,…He is closer than you think brothers and sisters…The Awakening is upon us…the war of good and evil has begun…this is not a battle of democrat against republican….Black against white....We need to ALL come together as one family…For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places…Against Invisible entities from enemy planets feeding off our negative energies……they have their Christ their pray to…While you’re praying to Christ, they’re praying to Christ while whipping your ass! While you praying to Christ to give you strength! They’re praying to Christ to give them even more strength. Both sides are praying to their version of Christ’…Oh no!!!...damm that….Give me the God of Moses…Jehovah….That’s the kind of God I like…Jehovah takes care of business…Brothers and sisters do not go down to the street level with a gun or a knife to fight these demons in the gutter with the weapons of man. Don’t do it! That’s what they want! It won’t work! They will hit you in the head and cry self-defense!!!…put on the armor of righteousness and then call on the God of Moses…or call on Allah…its still the same God…don’t believe me? Just ask the Egyptians what happened after Moses called on Jehovah…….and…Remember Lot’s wife!!! Yeah….I can feel you know where I’m coming from…
