As we watch the world we see so much going on. Fear being fueled with much misinformation, yet, when truth is revealed the fear keeps being fueled.

Then, more chaos is started and those in control continue to fuel it.

People on extremes sides, leaving those in the middle to clean up the mess and fight for freedom.

Heros are found in many areas or walks of life. Those who go to war, those who fight injustice in the streets, those who tend to the sick, those who go into a fire, those who who fight for justice in our own country, cities and towns against those in authority who seek to control us. All doing their part so that we can have the right to live how we want.

Then you have those, which are most of the people, who flap their jaws, insult others, pat themselves on the back, but do nothing more than sit on the couch and do their screaming from behind a screen. They want freedom but do nothing about it.

See, true freedom comes from people getting out there and learning facts! Not what they have been spoonfed, not what they have been taught, but real facts and those facts can only be obtained by doing research while applying...logic, reason and common sense.

The CDC tends to be the basis of facts the media uses, hospitals use, the medical personnel use, political figures use, yet, the C** has proven to lie over and over and over again! The numbers they claimed that took the lives of over 150,000 from Covid-19, are nothing more than lies!!! Of course one life lost is too much, but, making up extreme numbers to cause such fear and such chaos and such disasters is criminal! The correction has listed over 9,000 as being from Covid-19. That number is 10x LESS than the amount of deaths from the flu that hits each year. 10x LESS!!!! So, why is this still being treated as a pandemic?!!!

Well, chaos and fear allows for further control. And those in authority put the blame on the masses not themselves.

Hospitals have been the 3rd leading cause of deaths in the US, yet, if you point out their errors, they blame the patient. They blame those who do not comply to the protocols they fail to comply with themselves. I have witnessed it more times than I care too. And the hospitals are playing a huge part in fanning the flames of fear. Why? Because money is what keeps them going! Sick or hurt patients are what keeps the money rolling in. So, if they take part in the lies and deception regarding Covid-19 they make more money.

So, if we can't rely on those in authority who can we rely on?

Yes, many believe the government has our best interest in mind and that is why so many are wearing masks, social distancing, ok with instilling fear in their kids, ok with sending their kids to a school that feeds their fears, all because the government said so, or, more like, because the media says so.

I commend those who research! I commend those who apply logic to their research. I commend those who stand up against injustice! I commend those who go out with their signs fighting for logic to be brought back into our country! I commend those who want us to think! I commend those who go to the store without a mask because they know the truth and they are fighting to keep that truth alive!!!!!

The longer we comply the fewer rights we will have left. This isn't about health, this is about control. And anyone who thinks otherwise, please do some research and apply logic to that research. Please look around! Like, seriously look at what is going on! Look at the many discrepancies!!! None of it makes any sense!!!!

We are NOT robots!!! We are individuals! We need to fight to keep our individuality!!!! We need to fight for our freedom.....our children's freedom...our grandchildren's freedom, for when we stay silent and comply, we hurt our children's and grandchildren's future!!!!

We have been pitted against each other, we need to stop fighting each other stand together and fight the corrupt system because together we CAN regain our freedom!!!!!