If you don’t think this could happen to America, think back 6 months ago......did you think we could be where we are today????

********PLEASE READ TO THE END*********
It is Friday afternoon, May 3, 2023. You haven't eaten in a couple of days but it is payday and your credits were just added to your implant. As you stand in line at the food distribution center, you listen to the government-run radio station reminding everyone to tune in for tonight's Presidential address.
Meager rations now in hand, you walk the three miles back to your home because you can't spare the two credits for a bus ride. Once you arrive home, you turn on the television to watch the government-owned news network. The reports are the same as they have been for months. Another 800 deaths were reported today in your district. The COVID-X virus is sweeping the FSSA after millions of Chinese-made masks were discovered to be laced with the new Super-virus. The big story of the day is yet another proposed increase in the White Tax. This will take even more of your weekly credits.
The Presidential election of 2020 is history now but it’s not one that will ever be forgotten. Joe Biden made it through almost a full year of his Presidency before he suffered a debilitating stroke that left him incapable of speaking. President HARRIS is scheduled to speak tonight in her weekly briefing. You don't really want to tune-in, but you know you'll lose too many credits for not watching.
You shuffle through today's mail and open an envelope marked "Official Notification from the Federated Socialist States of America". The letter reads: "You are receiving this letter as the recorded owner of two acres of land located in District 9 of FSSA State No.16. Our records show that your property has an active water well capable of providing more water than you are allowed under the Water Conservation Act of 2022. You are hereby being notified that your resulting water tax increase would exceed the amount of credits you earn. An agent of the FSSA State No.16 government has been scheduled to install an automated water restriction device on Monday, March 6, 2023. You will be scanned for all costs associated with this effort once the work is complete."
As the reality of this notice sinks in, you stare blankly at the television for a moment while you remember the great memories you made in this place. This is only the first step toward forcing you to move into government housing and you know they will not let up until they have full control of your property. You have been expecting this for weeks since the government enacted the new Bourgeois Eradication Act. You've never been a wealthy person but in the eyes of the FSSA, your property ownership gives you too much individualism and an unfair advantage over others. You take out your cell phone to call your only living family member. The others were beaten to death in the election riots of 2020 while trying to get home from the grocery store. You know this phone call will cost more credits than you can afford but you just need to talk with someone. A weak sounding voice answers your call and you immediately know something is wrong. You're told that your family member also received a letter from the FSSA but this letter requires the immediately surrender all stored food supplies because gardening violates the Food Availability Act.
The sound of an engine is heard outside. You put down the phone with the call still active, grab the Glock you managed to hide when the rest of your guns were confiscated, and slowly approach the door. You see six uniformed men, all wearing blue UN helmets, approaching your home and each is armed with an AR-15 pistol. You do an admin check of your Glock and swing the door open...
On November 3, 2020, one of the most important decisions of your life is due. Do you hate one man enough to throw away everything? Do you even care enough to get out and vote? The fictional story above could contain more truth than you might imagine. Choose wisely. Stolen from Richard Miller...