My testimony - As a kid, I was brought up at a Penn Hills church called "Penn Hills Missionary Alliance". I attended Sunday Church Service and Wednesday Youth Groups basically every week up until my early teen years. I even read the Bible from front to back at the age of 10 (not an easy read for such a young punk lol). I also often memorized Bible Verses to earn my way into Edinboro Bible Camp. I had a lot of fun with all of those experiences. Anyways, my pap who was a devout Christian and the "rock" that held the family together, passed away when I was only 13 years old. I see now that my parents were going to church to please him, not God. Ironically, after he died, my descent into a life controlled by sin started to get out of control. I got into marijuana, alcohol, pornography, and began to disrespect my parents like it was my job. Into my twenties, things only got much much worse. I was a marijuana dealer for 7 years, slept with about 100 women (thank God I don't have any STD's), disrespected my parents to the point of face to face confrontation, lied to people, was addicted to porn and sex, served 5 months in Westmoreland County Prison, etc. Basically every step I took was an assault against God.
Fast forward to more recent times - I was in a 4 1/2 year relationship with an older woman. I truly thought we were in love, I really did. I now see that that was not the case as she lacked the capacity to forgive which is not love. She would constantly throw my past in my face (as many of you are currently guilty of doing). Anyways, she discovered my porn issue and instead of talking about it in a compassionate and caring manner, she attacked me calling me names and even making false accusations. Then, she said something that really told me she was not a true Christian - She said you could fall too far from God's Grace to receive His mercy, which is NOWHERE in the Bible. (Go Ahead, read it. I dare you lol) Now don't get me wrong, women view watching porn as cheating when you are in a relationship. I get that and I admit that I was wrong for my actions. So anyway, she broke up with me. At first my mourning was for her, but gradually it turned into a mourning of my own soul. I was truly disgusted with the person I was. I no longer wanted to hurt myself or others around me any longer. I cried for several hours on my hands and knees like a little baby asking God to have mercy on me. Then I started watching YouTube videos about how to get closer to God. Then I fell asleep for about 3 to 4 hours.
When I woke up, I saw on my phone a video which I had not even selected! (I was asleep after all and had not physically touched my phone at all). It was a YouTube video by Pastor Groeschel about "Spiritual Warrior- Your Porn Battle Plan". I couldn't believe it at first! I knew then that God was listening, God cared, and God loved me! It was at that moment that I started to believe which in turn opened my heart to Jesus. I then got on my knees all over again and wept like a little baby asking Jesus into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior. I made one key promise though...I promised to God that I would surrender it all and put Him first in my life above all, even my own family.
Almost immediately after that, I felt a sudden surge of love and strength flow into my heart like a mighty rushing river! It was purely supernatural....literally knocked the breath out of me several times and gave me goosebumps all over my body. I became a Christian on August 16, 2020 - same day that Elvis died ironically. Now I possess love and strength that I never knew were possible before. I am now literally willing to die for my King Jesus Christ if need be....if it serves to glorify His Almighty Name. I have encountered much spiritual attack in the last 2 weeks or so (Satan is mad that he lost the battle over my heart/soul). In fact, even my own family members and former friends have lashed out at me over my newfound Faith. That's okay though because they also persecuted Jesus about 2,000 years ago so I am in good company. Thank you for reading and God bless you all!