Why does the left hate Trump so much? Why are they fighting so much against him for this election? Because he is opposed to critical theory. Because he is opposed to Marxism. Because he has opposed to planned Parenthood. Because he is opposed to their corporate capitalism. Because he is opposed to their antigun views. Because he is pro religious liberty.

When you look at the world around us and you see the people who are opposed to Trump and hear the reasons why, every Christian stand up and vote Trump this year. Please, no fake argument that you will just pray. Of course you should pray! All Christians should be praying! That's an assumption in a given!

You see, God is handed us a non-violent way to change the culture, to change minds, to change the world! Are you, as a Christian going to ignore not only your privilege and right but also your responsibility duty to make a difference?

You can't do this by voting your conscience, you have to do this by voting biblically. but to do this biblically, you have to know what the Bible says on issues.

You have to not vote for a personality, but rather positions. You can't vote for an individual, rather for the ideology.