Howdy - I've been quiet here for a while....

My freedom includes working online from our motorhome - and our Airstream Land Yacht motor failed - bummer.

Since the motor had to come out by lifting up through the coach, you can just imagine the repair expense.

We chose to fire sale our coach, and look for another.

We found a Pace Arrow 36 ft, bigger and better.

We have now taken our first 11 day trip, up to Lancaster PA and back.

With our internet in the campground and/or on the roof, we are back in business, yeah!

How's your freedom?

Be blessed, let's move forward together to freedom!


PS: On a more personal note, Barbara has issues sleeping for years, and got a good nights sleep, often medicated, about 1 night out of three.
The good news, she has got three good nights in a row, without medication!

What is different, a nutritional product.

If you know someone with a sleep issue, which is more common with we seniors, let me know, and I will get you the info we discovered.

#freedom #rvroadfreedom #dreamroper #goodsleep
