WHAT makes us think the DEMOCRATS will change their ways? I JUST READ THE ACCOUNT OF Matthew 24:v 27. There is such a parallel with President Trump's ordeal; I am wondering where it will end.
I do realize he (Pres Trump) is not The Christ; just how far will America's Congress go; will God (Jesus, The Father & Holy Spirit) stop it? or has the world seen enough of this hoax? or is the end already here?
Government is wanting lists of people; who is visiting for medical reasons? who is ... are a persons' children at risk for... Bill Gates' information? & these tiny injections in their right hand or ... Hitler did it to the Jews.
California's edicts concerning Church gatherings?
I think EVERY Prophecy of Scripture has been documented and ; do YOU believe there will be a Rapture? I do.
(Matt 24, Luke 17)

WHAT makes you think you are acceptable for Heaven? Who do you think makes that decision?
My Bible says THE CREATOR of Heaven & Earth makes that decision; because ALL have sinned & fall short of God's glory (Romans3:23)
By one man ("& wife) sin entered the world; and death by sin because of men.(Romans 5:12) and Hell passed to you & me.
BUT God commended His love to us; while we were yet sinners; Christ died for us (Romans 5:8)
God offers life; For the wages of sin is death BUT; the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ; who is THE Lord; this eternal life is a free gift; you cannot earn it; you can't buy it; get baptized into it; it is FREE!
God says "Whosoever (any person) shall call on the name of the Lord SHALL be saved (Romans 10:9 & 1
Here is how: TRUST God to save you; Believe GOD the Father raised Jesus from the dead; REPENT from every sin you can remember; ASK Jesus to save you by the power of The Holy Spirit IN FAITH.

Once you are saved think about getting a Bible; Free from
"SWORD OF THE LORD.COM" >=-> FOR FREE, And read it every morning; it is HIS love letter to us.