To say I am fed up with the lying bull**** of the DemoCommies in the Swamp would be a gross understatement. Calling the Attorney General a liar is without merit and without presidence. When we consider who is making these claims it is an insult and a disgrace as well. The intent is clear: create a continuing environment of misdirection and misinformation for the Sheeple and the lame stream media in advance of the 2020 elections. Feed them lies and hope the buy it. Only one possible solution in my view. Trump and Barr need to let the indictments fall and the arrests and Courts actions begin. We Patriots have endured this travesty of truth and justice long enough. Until a few of these crooks, liars, seditionists and traitors are called to account we will continue to duck and cover when we should be standing proudly enjoying the successes of our President Trump!