I Hear His Whisper . . .
I want you to think like me.
I have called you to be light, love, and wisdom. Sometimes that simply means having a positive attitude in a negative world. It’s easy to point out everything that’s wrong, but when you see from my point of view, you are able to unmask that truth to those who come across your path. Don’t be sucked into the enemy’s trap by hanging around negative people. And when you find yourself around them, be the voice of truth. Show them what I see.
It’s easy to gripe and complain when you only notice the bad things. But I want you to stop and purposefully look around to find the beauty, to see the good. This doesn’t mean you ignore the facts; it means you aren’t ruled by them. It means you think like me and discover the good hidden in every situation. Look intentionally for what is right. And if all you see is darkness and corruption, and it weighs heavy on your heart, that may be the very place I’ve called you to be the light.
Isaiah 55:8–9 The Passion Translation
“My thoughts about mercy are not like your thoughts, and my ways are different from yours. As high as the heavens are above the earth, so my ways and my thoughts are higher than yours.”