Trump did a great job tonight. However, given the unprecedented level of vote fraud occurring nationwide -he'll still need a miracle to win.
That's why I'm asking Americans of faith to go beyond merely voting and pray St Faustina's "Chaplet of Divine Mercy" ( -look it up ) asking for God's mercy on this country and his intervention assuring a FAIR and LEGITIMATE Election result!
If you can, ALSO e-mail the White House and ask President Trump to declare a "Day of Prayer" some day PRIOR to Nov. 3rd -asking God for:
1.) His intervention to insure a FAIR and LEGITIMATE Election ( -nixing the effects of any organized vote fraud ),
2.) His help in defeating the Coronavirus ( -without having to resort to a potentially dangerous mandatory vaccine ),
3.) His help in quelling the violence in our cities,
*NOTE: When the Governor of Minnesota declared a "Day of Prayer" in April of 1877' it resulted in the almost overnight cessation of a multi-year locust plague that had swept across the upper Midwest.
This is the type of miracle Trump will need to win Nov. 3rd!
Ask your friends to pray St. Faustina's "Chaplet of Divine Mercy" and e-mail the White House ( ) requesting this "Day of Prayer" declaration some day PRIOR to the Nov. 3rd Election.
Our country's future literally depends upon it!
DEFUND Hollywood NOT the Police!

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