From FB:
“Trump is going to lose.”
“Republicans are turning on Trump.”
“Enthusiasm is at an all time low.”
“Trump’s base is crumbling.”
“Trump is scared and his supporters know it.”
Realllllllly?! Are you delusional?! Do you ignore facts??
Like seriously. You have to be ridiculous and blind to think that those things are true.
No logical person can honestly say “support for Trump is dwindling and crumbling.” It’s IMPOSSIBLE.❌
You can think he’s going to lose, but you CANNOT logically make the case that his support is crumbling. Its. Not. Possible.
Below, you will see a small glimpse of his support. Different rallies from across America.
Open you eyes. The country is awake. They are alive. They are EMPOWERED.??
The media has brainwashed people SO HARD into hating Trump, that people won’t even open their eyes and realize for themselves that they’re being lied to.
Open your eyes. Trump is not losing. Support is not crumbling. NOT. EVEN. A. LITTLE.
Rally, after rally, after rally, after rally, after rally, after rally, after rally, after rally, after rally, after rally.??
Tens of THOUSANDS of people every day, at every rally, in every state across America. The movement is stronger than EVER before.?
The radical left is scared. The socialists are scared. The extremists are scared. The one world order activists are scared.
Because America was lost. It was on its way out. They had beaten America. Obama/Biden and the Democrats sold our country out, and they ALMOST won.☝️
And then... America played the TRUMP card.?
Luckily for us, we get to play it twice.
TRUMP 2020. Game over.??