Psalm 34: 11. Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the LORD.
Children are the most hopeful persons to teach -- wise men who wish to make followers of their faith take care to win the ear of the young. So far as they can be taught by word of mouth, or learned by the hearing of the ear, we are to communicate the faith and fear of God, planting seeds upon the rising generation the principles and practices of respect of God. We should be winning and attractive to the youngsters, inviting them "come," and not repelling them with harsh demands. We must get them away, apart from earthly attractions and sports, and try to occupy their minds with better pursuits; for we cannot very well teach them while their minds are being fed worldly garbage. We must keep our and their focus always, and keep the love and respect of the Lord uppermost in our teachings and by example in our life, and in so doing we may discreetly project our own personality into the scale by narrating our own beliefs, experiences and convictions.