Take a moment and step back from your anti-Trumpism. Let's look at this issue absent the names.
Suppose the US had a president that did the following:
A. Built the nation's economy to levels unseen since the 1950s.
B. Rebuilt the nation's military and was removing us from our foreign wars.
C. Imposed tariffs on China to allow our native industrial capacity to rebuild.
D. Pushed Europe to assume greater financial responsibility for its own defense.
E. Refocused the nation on taking care of its own issues and stepping back from the role of the world's policeman.
F. etc.
Now, suppose Russia and China had the long-term goal of destabilizing America and reducing its economic power.
Would it not make sense for them to stoke anger and distrust among Americans by interfering in the election process -- not only through social media manipulation BUT by demonizing the president and our political institutions?
Would it not also make sense for them to stoke the distrust and anger between Americans and Euro allies by manipulating public opinion against that president?