1. Trump has won Alaska and North Carolina so he is at 232
2.They still have over 180,00 ballots to count in Arizona and it’s less than 20,000 margin
3.Georgia will be recounted and the governor and all involved said they will makes sure all laws were followed and no illegal activities occurred.
4.Michigan and Wisconsin are plagued with voting software problems which gave votes to democrats that belonged to republicans. This software was used in at least 30 states and every county. The state’s legislatures have gotten involved and are talking this very serious.
5. Pennsylvania has major illegal election activities that occurred. The Supreme Court has stepped in to separate all ballots that have come in after Nov 3rd, many many lawsuits have been filed and there are 100’s of witnesses and proof of election fraud that has taken place.
6. Nevada will be recounted and appropriate lawsuits filed for corrupt activities.
7. There are systematic problems with this election cycle that will have to be brought before the Supreme Court. The justice department has been requested to investigate the USPS and their illegal activities that took place. There may have been a tactic used called the #hammerandscorecard All this has to be investigated.
We have to be confident that we had and will continue to have free and fair elections in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. For anyone to deny America that peace of mind and the assurance that the security and process of our election system was not comprised is not being forthcoming or transparent and may be trying to hide one of the biggest election frauds we have ever seen in America. For any news organizations making a call for President at this point is being irresponsible and discredited. They are merely acting political and unashamedly propping up the democratic candidate. This is not over. Be patient with the process and
don’t give in to these political hacks that have Falsely accused, verbally abused and slandered the President for 4 years and hurt the American people by denying them fair and honest agencies of government and real news. I suggest you do not watch or read any mainstream news. There are plenty of honest news sources and social media companies that do not have an agenda. #newsmax #oann #epochtimes #realamericasvoice #dailywire
Leave Twitter, Facebook, and google
#parler #rumble #duckduckgo
If they are denying freedom of speech and thought we must stand against that censorship. If we are going to stand up against this evil ungodly machine we must do it with the strength, courage and resolve to do what is right not only for the present time, but for all future generations! ????????✝️❤️