What is the purpose of government?
Patrick Colbeck reminded us of the correct answer at the First Gubernatorial Debate in 2018 when he was the only candidate to correctly answer that question.
The purpose of Government is to "Protect the Rights of the Governed". Our Founders determined this in 1776 and they permanently enshrined this understanding in the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence. Now we have Censorship of our Rights of Free Speech and Freedom of the Press to the extreme of Facebook Censoring the Declaration of Independence by calling it "Hate Speech" !

Isn't it time that our State Legislature actually protect our rights?
Now that Facebook has judged our Declaration of Independence as Hate Speech isn’t it time to demand that our State Legislature follow the example of Texas and prevent further erosion of our rights?
(The Texas Tribune reports that a newly proposed bill before the Texas Senate aims to protect the free exchange of ideas on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Senate Bill 2373, proposed by State Sen. Bryan Hughes (R-Mineola) aims to hold social media websites accountable for the restriction of users speech based on personal opinions. Hughes stated that the bill would apply to social media sites which claim to support free speech and advertise their platform as unbiased but repeatedly censor users. The bill was unanimously approved by the Senate State Affairs Committee last week.)