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4 anni

4 anni

So much on my mind.
So much I need to say.
I hope I can find the words to express my thoughts.
Anger and hate:
I have no anger or hate that I will direct at anyone, any party, or any process.
What I do have is a high level of distrust.
Distrust in the system.
Distrust in the media.
Distrust in the Democratic and Republican parties.
Distrust in the Justice department.
Distrust in a lot of people I follow here on Facebook.
Distrust in humanity in general.
Full disclosure: I am not a republican or democrat.
In the 60s I was a Democrat because that is what my parents were. I am not sure if they voted for Republican Dwight D Eisenhower, although I expect they may have, but I do know they voted for JFK. I admired JFK at the time also but was too young to vote. I can tell you exactly where I was and what I was doing when he was assassinated. I came of voting age during Johnson. During my time in Vietnam and the military I changed my affiliation to Republican. I left the Republican party in 2016 when the party would not come together to support our nominee Donald Trump. I am officially a conservative independent. I digress.
It was said on the Senate floor yesterday that the Media does not pick our President the people do, by casting legal ballots.
President Trump has every right under our constitution and legal system to challenge what seems to be voting irregularities in several swing states. These irregularities will be challenged in the courts and will be determined to be valid or invalid. Until that time the election is NOT over.
Should the justice system find no evidence to support the charges, I will have to accept the outcome and pray for this country.
I will pray that the country does not slip into socialism, which looks more and more to me that the democratic party has become, a socialist party. I can only trust that the Senate will keep radical, costly change from happening.
I will carry on with my life with some changes in attitude.
Many with the media megaphone are shouting out:
Suck it up and accept the results.
It is time to come together.
Is that right?
As I said, if the court challenges do not hold up, I will suck it up.
I will not hate but I will not trust.
If the charges are supported, I will stay and fight until the end if necessary.
As far as come together goes,
that is a good thought BUT
Time to come together because your guy won. F you!
A time to come together was Jan. 20 2017.
After the constant battles this President was put thru by the media, by the never Trumpers, by liberals, by the Democratic house and dems in the senate, plus RINOs no way.
There is a whole bunch of crap on the table that need to be addressed and finished. I know that the Durham investigation will never see the light of day, in the event Biden takes office, but that does not mean it will be over. I also see possible impeachment when the Hunter issues find their way to the courts. These are real wrong doings and need to be prosecuted.
Liberal friends, and acquaintances.
I will happily remain a friend or civil acquaintance but there are some lines I personally will not tolerate being crossed.
There are plenty of funny “your fired” memes floating around on Facebook, and that is to be expected. I can even laugh at them to a point.
However, bashing Trump supporters, name calling supporters, and total disrespect for the good things President Trump accomplished will not only result in an unfriending on FB but in real life. You may choose.
If hate drives you so much I do not need or want you in my life.
I will choose to be me and not let political differences choose for me but I cannot and will not tolerate the hate against those that choose and think differently.